Hi @DenisOrozco,
I was goign to make a similar reply to what @Jeff_F posted. One additional option not mentioned is using the surveys feature in Classic Quizzes, though at some point in the distant future Classic Quizzes are likely be retired in favor of New Quizzes (which lack survey functionality right now).
I think it may be important to know if you're looking for a evaluation tool for just a single class, or if you're looking for something more scalable. The free options mentioned here may all be suitable for a single class scneario, but you're probably goign to start running into issues if this is a larger scale project... Would you try to do a single survey? How would students select the course? How would you verify their info? How would you ensure each student only responded once? What kind of reports would you create and how? Those are just some questions off the top of my head, but I'm sure there are more. If you can answer oll fo this and come up woth your own solutions with free systems, awesome!
If all of that above sounds a bit daunting, that is where the paid systems come in. I know of three systems designed for course evaluations, Watermart Course Evaluations and Surveys, CourseEval, and Blue by Explorance. I',m fairly sure there are more options out there, I just don't know them myself. ounds like you've already done some research and may know some of these options, but I wanted ot mention them here just in case.
I hope this post is helpful for thinking. If you can respond with more info about goals, number of courses, etc, community users may be able to share more specific advice with you!