Do "likes" get recorded at all in the lists of student activity? If so what are they labeled as using the CLI API?

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I am trying to evaluate students based on their 'likes' of different discussion board postings. Canvas's documentation indicated that all of a student's activity with a course site is recorded.  I have figured out how to access student activity using the scripts provided here:

However, it's not clear to me if or how 'likes' are recorded. Does anyone know?

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

I suspect not @mikeg, but you could do some testing. I don't know whether peer reviewing an assignment submission counts either :- see


Several actions define participation in Canvas and collectively describe events where a user takes an action within a course. We track participations for both students and instructors, and we report participations in Canvas Course Analytics for just student participations.

The following student actions will generate analytics course participation:

  • Announcements: posts a new comment to an announcement
  • Assignments: submits an assignment
  • Collaborations: loads a collaboration to view/edit a document
  • Conferences: joins a web conference
  • Discussions: posts a new comment to a discussion
  • Pages: creates a page
  • Quizzes: submits a quiz
  • Quizzes: starts taking a quiz

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