Customize grade book late policy?

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Is there a way to customize the automatic late deduction to a percentage per week late? I see the ability to deduct per hour or day late, but no longer than that.

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Community Coach

Hi @Sampe,

As you have seen, the current options are deductions per hour or per day.  I know there have been some ideas to add more options around the late policy settings, but I know it's a delicate balance between offering options and having an interface that gets too many options and is so complex that people will stop doing it completely.  There even appears to be an existing idea that matches yours exactly:  [Gradebook Settings] Late Grade: Add a Weekly Perc... - Instructure Community - 370211 .  Since that idea has been added to a theme, it's at least been reviewed by Instructure, so there's some chance that change will come in the future, but no definite timeline or anything.

I hope this helps.


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