Completed course not showing up

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I finished my online course yesterday. I still have 2 assignments ungraded and waiting for my final grade. The course disappeared from my canvas page. its not showing up on my dashboard, and Its also not showing up under past enrollment courses. When i click on history, i see links to assignments from the course but when i click on it it says i don't have access to open that link. How can I find the course?

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1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team

Hello @RifkyWagschal ...

Unfortunately, Canvas Community members aren't going to be able to help you with this we do not have access to Ocean County College's Canvas environment or any of their courses.  Your question would best be answered by folks at Ocean who are in their Online Learning / eLearning / Distance Education department.  I searched their website, and I found the following page that has some contact information for you:

Frequently Asked Questions | Ocean County College NJ

There's also some information about contacting people in the HUB at the bottom of this page...which might also be useful.

Hope this will help in some way.

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