Classic quiz - students no longer can input scientific notation in formula questions

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I have several formula questions in classic quizzes whose answers require scientific notation.  These questions have worked in past years.

Today, students cannot input scientific notation (e.g., 6.02e23) even though the algorithm is unchanged and the sample answers show scientific notation as for example 6.02e23.  When students try to do so, an error message pops up stating only numerical answers are allowed.


Canvas scientific notation.png

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1 Solution
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Community Coach

Hi @blachman,

I would definitely recommend that you report this to Canvas support, as they'd be the ones who would investigate the issue and escalate it to engineers for a fix if they deem it necessary.  Posting in the community here is great for peer help, but when things are truly broken and need fixes, users in the community can't really assist with that like Canvas support can.

I hope this info helps!


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