Changing Grade Type Across All Courses

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All of our 20 courses currently have "Display Grade as" for class assignments set to "Complete/Incomplete." We are looking to transition this to "Letter Grade." Is there an easy way to make this change on a global level, or we would need to go into every class and update each individual assignment? We have at least 4 assignments per class, so that would be at least 80 assignments in total that need updating. Thanks!

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @Carter41,

I don't know of any built-in way to make a change like that to every assignment across multiple courses.  If you have someone with a computer science background, a script could be created using the Canvas API, but with only 80 assignments (yes, I say *only* 80 because I'm at an institution with 1300 courses running every term with sometimes over 50 assignments in each) I'd probably say just clicking through them would be faster than having someone write a script.  It's mind-numbing work, but I feel like it could be done in under an hour.

Sorry I didn't have better news for you on this.


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