Change Course Photo (Students)

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When is canvas going to allow student to customize their courses with photos? It's so annoying to have some courses with photos and others without.



1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team

Hello @SantiagoLeon1 ...

I believe you are referring to the images that appear on course cards displayed on your Canvas Dashboard.  The images that sometimes appear on those course cards (instead of solid colors) are things that an instructor can change for the entire course.  So, if your instructor has uploaded a picture of an animal for a Zoology course, that animal image would appear for all students in the course.  You can, however, put a color overlay over the top of the image.  You can change the color to whatever you want, but it might make the image look a little strange (for example, a green overlay on a polar bear might look weird).  Check out the section on "View Color Overlay" on this Guide: How do I view my favorite courses in the Card View... - Instructure Community - 517 (

Sorry I don't have better news for you, but I hope this helps to answer your question.

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