Canvas login issues

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Why does Canvas make me log in all the time, when my username and password are saved and I always click "Keep me signed in"?Maybe this is something I'm doing but it only happens with Canvas and it's very frustrating. I'm in and out of the platform all day long and every keystroke I can save is helpful. 

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @prrngs,

It's likely that your school/institution has implemented login timeout rules for Canvas for added security.  I don't know what the exact Canvas defaults are, but I can stay logged in for a number of days in a row at least. The Instructure Community is made up mostly of other Canvas users, and we don't have access to your specific Canvas instance or settings, so we can't really provide an exact answer here.  You could reach out to your school/institution Canvas team (usually in the eLearning / IT / Digital Education areas) to ask about this.

Hope this helps!


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