Canvas Announcements

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It would be nice to add a next button to the Canvas announcements as we have under pages in order to move from one announcement to the next.

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

@tcikanek ...

That would be a nice feature to have in Canavs.  However, there is a separate space to post your ideas and suggestions here in the Community.  You posted this in the area to ask questions rather than submit ideas.  I did a little searching of existing ideas, and I came across one that isn't exactly what you mentioned above, but maybe it might meet your needs:

[Announcements] View All Announcements on One Page - Instructure Community (

This particular idea is part of a larger Idea and Theme called:

Improved UI Controls and Usability - Additional fi... - Instructure Community (

You'll notice that this Idea and Theme has a status of "Identified", and you can read more about the different status labels here:

How do Ideas and Themes work in the Instructure Co... - Instructure Community (

I know this may not be a direct answer to your question, but I hope it helps in some way.  Take care, and be well.

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