Cannot add students to assignment

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To all

  I'm a newly minted admin for canvas.  It was a rushed title and I'm still learning it.  I got this question from a teacher. 

"As we discussed. I am having issues with my NOCTI Canvas assignments. The problem is I need to add my underclassman to the assignment however, I do not see a place to add more students to the assignment."

I went to them and had them show me the issue.  From a newbie perspective he pull up a "Functioning" assignment where the questions were in a different tab and he could click add and it worked correctly.  He then showed me the "Non-Function" one and there was NO tab for questions but the questions were listed all on the same page.  Clicking on Add did nothing.

Can anyone give me some guidance?


Thank you in advance

Rob G

2 Solutions
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Community Coach

Hi @RobCGutshall 

I am not sure I fully understand your question, but in Canvas, the way to "add students to assignments" is to "Assign to" the Assignment. You would Edit the assignment, and then you should see something like this:


For each student (or section), it is also possible to set specific assignment publication and due dates:


You may consider checking out these instructions for assign an assignment to an individual student.

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Community Champion


@VPundir provides valuable information, but I wanted to add a step to take before what they wrote. It almost sounds like the instructor is taking you past that step so you're not finding what you need.

Your talk of "adding questions" makes it sounds like you're talking about quizzes for the assignments. The description between tabs and no tabs makes it sound like one quiz is a "New Quiz" and one is a "Classic Quiz".

You can get to the assignments from either the Assignments or Quizzes course navigation links.

From the list of assignments/quizzes page, if you click on a New Quiz (the icon is a solid rocket ship), it takes you directly to the edit screen for the Assignment. The edit screen has buttons for Cancel, Save (perhaps Save & Publish), and Build at the bottom. Right above that is the portion about adding students that @VPundir was talking about. If you click Build, then you start editing the actual quiz and there are no tabs. That screen, however, is for adding questions to the quiz, not for adding students to the assignment. You control who takes the assignment from the first screen, do not click on the Build button.

From the list of assignments/quizzes page, if you click on a Classic Quiz (the icon is an outline of a rocket ship), you get the Quiz page. It has buttons for Published, Preview, and Edit at the top. You will need to click Edit to get to the edit assignment screen. This one has two tabs at the top, one for Details and one for Questions. The Details tab is where you assign which students take the quiz. The Questions tab allows you to add questions, but that's not the tab for assigning students.

In both cases, you will likely need to scroll down as the Assign block is near the bottom.

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