Bookmarking individual course gradebooks - no longer possible

Community Member

Last year the process of selecting an individual course in the gradebook got way more cumbersome (I'm sure you all know this), requiring using the dropdown menu. This is such a time waster, given that I do this multiple times per day. Last year my workaround was to select the drop down menu for a course and then create a bookmark in Chrome for that section. I did this for each of my four sections (two each in two different courses). When I wanted to enter grades, I just selected the section from the Chrome bookmark. 

However, this year I am not able to do this. The url is the same for each section within a course, so I can't bookmark individual sections. 

Does anyone have a workaround? Choosing sections with the drop down is one of those annoyances that software designers don't think about and cause teachers to waste time. 

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