Best way to create a refresher course/assignment?

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Hi guys,

What would be the best way to create a refresher course or assignment. I have created a course with quiz. Every 6 months, I need students to retake the course. 

Do I duplicate the same module and rename refresher course so that I can track students on the progress. 

Do I create new assignment using same quiz. I can track quiz submitted but cannot track whether they have watch the video in the course. 

If I ask student to rewatch the video in the homepage, I cannot track their progress. I can only see their last participation. 

I want to generate a record list for students that have retake the course for audit purposes.

What would be the best way to do it?


Thank you

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2 Solutions
Community Contributor

Comparing progress across different courses can be difficult - Is it possible to duplicate the module but create assignment groups which categorize first attempt, second attempt etc then you would have columns in your gradebook which could track progress.

Analytics might also be useful here..

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @WingSum,

If you need to track everything individually (video views, module completion, etc), I'd honestly create a copy of the course every 6 months so you have independent things to track.  You will have to re-enroll the students in the new course, but I think it may the cleanest option reporting-wise that would work pretty much universally for any type of content/assignments in the course.  We do this for recurring yearly trainings at my institution and it has worked out much better for us than trying to re-use the same course shell for multiple years.


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