Assignment Resubmit

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We have the assignment submissions set to one attempt. How do we do in and give only 1 student an additional attempt? I know in quizzes we can do this but not finding it in the assignments. 

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One option would be to duplicate the assignment and assign the duplicate only to the student in question.

A benefit of this would be that the student could easily see any feedback on the original submission and due date could obviously be different

A drawback would be managing the grade - you'd needed to remove the grade from the first (and check the 'treat ungradeds as zero' is not toggled on -though this affects just teacher view...) before grading the duplicate

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @KerryKeller,

What I can propose would be a two-step process:

  1. create an additional "Assign Access" (or "Assign To") entry for any students that need an additional submission attempt (configuring the dates as desired)
  2. edit the assignment so that multiple submissions/attempts are allowed

Does that sound doable?


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