Again, Can't Remove Nicknames from Old Courses

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Same issue as found here:

That issue was erroneously marked "solved." The "solution" is to change the dates of the course...but if the term is ended, you still cannot do it. 

We need a real solution to this issue, but Canvas devs seem uninterested in repairing this. 

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello @SterlingF - until such time as a new approach for managing nicknames is created I'd like to suggest setting a reminder to remove or edit the nickname from courses near term end.

Another approach I've suggested is to have a 'sandbox' course for each course taught and use that as a repository for learning objects, assignments, etc. that I may wish to reuse. That way everything is in one place and I would not need to create an index of prior courses using course nicknames.


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