After retirement: Can I use Canvas to package projects and quizzes. My CSU account ends next week.

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I would like to package Canvas-based projects and quizzes for other instructors, but I won't have a CSU account after next week.

I exported my course, but will need to access Canvas in order to do those things.  Please advise.

Don Lotter

formerly part-time instructor, CSU Sacramento, Biology

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @lotter,

If you don't have a login anymore, it's highly unlikely that you'll be able to use your former Canvas instance.  Rules around this vary from school/institution to school/institution, so you could always contact someone at CSU to verify that you can't access their Canvas anymore.

Now for the good news...  Instructure offers a "free for teachers" Canvas instance which anyone can access independently from a school/institution.  You can sign up for an account on this Canvas instance and use it to develop content (and then export it to share with others).  You'll probably see a few differences/limitations on this Canvas version compared to what you had at CSU, but basic functions should all be there.

Hope this info helps!


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