Be The Hero - Deprecated July 15, 2023

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni


The Learning Services Team has offered the Be The Hero, Quick Start Admin Guide, in CanvasNet and for import from the Canvas Commons. Some clients may have also received a course import file and added this resource directly to their instance.The resource will be deprecated as of July 15, 2023. Please read on for alternative resources.


The Instructure Community team has developed free materials for beginning Canvas Admins. In the past, these materials were found throughout the Community guides. Recently, these materials have been reorganized into Getting Started Lessons. The benefit is that these lessons and guides are kept up to date with each release by an entire team dedicated to maintaining the community content.


Current participants in the CanvasNet course will also receive this announcement and an update to the course in the Canvas Commons will include the messaging on the homepage and in the version update notes.  


Below is a walkthrough on the free community material recommended for new Canvas Admins, click on the image to begin. Or, you can go directly to these lessons here.




Previous Content Preserved Below in Italics - Now Outdated

Knowing where to begin as a brand new Canvas Admin can be a huge task. You probably need to move quickly, and learn a lot all at once. We've created a new free resource - Be The Hero -  for you to help you get acclimated to how Canvas works and how it can work for you!

Thanks to  @erin_keefe   and Deactivated user as well as the rest of the Canvas Training  team for developing wonderful, free resource such as the Be The Hero - New Training Course for Canvas Admins!  for Canvas Admins and Growing with Canvas - New Training Course.  If you have not seen these resources yet, get  your copy in the Canvas Commons.  Check out the helpful guides for the commons here:  Guides: Commons.  


Once you import this resource into a shell, you will receive notifications when this course has been updated.  You can ask questions and get more information about these updates here and choose if you wish to import those updates to your course. 


TIP:  If you customized the Be The Hero course and you import the update, the entire course will be rewritten with that update.  It is best to pull the updated course into a new shell and copy the update to change specifically into your customized course.


Here is a list of updates that have been made in the Be The Hero Course to date:


Course Item More Detail Reason Action Needed
4.2 | Account Settings Video The Vimeo video created the Docs Team has been updated and will expire on May 31, 2019.   Include Account Settings updates Replace the video with this updated 415 - Account Settings on Vimeo 


Update Notes for July 17, 2019Updates 7/18/2019

Course Item 

More Detail


Action Needed


Added line that was not displaying

Not showing - originally was a file that was dead

Replace html code

<p> </p>

<hr/> after saving the day in the HTML editor


Added line that was not displaying

Not showing - originally was a file that was dead

Replace html code

<p> </p>

<hr/> after saving the day in the HTML editor


Added line that was not displaying

Not showing - originally was a file that was dead

Replace html code

<p> </p>

<hr/> after saving the day in the HTML editor

Replaced 2.7 and 2.8 links in the 2.8 Self Paced Quiz with links to 2.6 adn 2.7

These pages did not exist.  Changed the quiz question JIT feedback to refer to 2.6 and 2.7

Pages non existent

Open the 2.8 Self Check Quiz.  View all of the Quiz Details. Replace the 2.8 Sections and Cross Listing with the Link to 2.7 Sections and Cross listing in the Just In Time Feedback.  Do the same for the 2.7 Moving Courses to reference the link to 2.6 Moving Courses


Replace broken link referencing Community Blog

Link leads to a blank page

Replace the link to the text “to this blog int eh community” to refer to this url:

Community Champion

Great Hot Tip thanks janiesolinski-ruddy‌. 

Community Contributor

 @david_summervi1 ‌  @darren_ponman1 ‌ seen this?

Community Contributor

Quick question.  I stumbled upon this so I made a shell and imported the 'Be the Hero' from the Commons.  I'm now listed as the teacher in the course.  Can I add myself as a student so I can work thru the course or can I work thru it as the teacher?  Thanks so much!!

Community Participant

I had used my separate admin account to create the course and added my student account to the course to take it as a student, but you could always use the Student View function of the course as the teacher. How do I view a course as a test student using Student View?

Community Novice

OK - I'm new to using Canvas, so here goes.  I've been working on this for over an hour and I'm quite frustrated.  Do you have step by step directions as to how to add this into the course?  I've downloaded the zip file and uploaded it to my account in Canvas, but I can't seem to import it into my new course.  I'm tech savvy so it drives me nuts that I can't figure this out on my own.  What am I not doing correctly?  Any help would be greatly appreciated. 


OK I am able to access this in my own personal account where I am learning the course and that would be as a student.  This is where I accessed the "Growing With Canvas" course and I completed my assignments in my school account.  Maybe this is the proper way to participate?  Oh well, live and learn. Smiley Happy

Community Participant

If you're trying to import from Commons into a shell, you first need to make an empty course (shell) in your Canvas account, name it something recognizable like "Canvas Admin Training" or "Be the Hero". Then you would go through Commons to import the course content to that course How do I import and view a Commons resource in Canvas?

I hope that helps!

Community Novice

The problem is that I can’t get into Canvas Commons. I guess I should’ve mentioned that. I downloaded the file from Google Drive.

Sent from my iPad

Community Champion
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Check out the newest updates to the Be The Hero course in the table above.  You can either make these changes manually or update the course using the Canvas Commons.  Please remember, if you have customized the course in any way, pulling in an update from the Canvas Commons will not retain those changes.

Community Champion

Hi Janie Ruddy

One problem though. From the directions:

   Replace the video with this updated video:

That vimeo link video does not exist either. Smiley Sad

What's the newest new update for this video link?

Thanks - Shar

Community Team
Community Team


I believe this link will be it? 

Community Team
Community Team

For when/if the link expires again, I found it by searching 

Community Champion

Hi Renee,

Close.. that was the video for Bridge. But I searched like you said in the other post and found: 612 - Account Settings on Vimeo 

Cheers - Shar

Community Team
Community Team

That'll teach me to not click in :insert face palm:

Glad you were able to find it!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Many thanks  @Renee_Carney ‌ and ishar-uw‌.  I apologize for the incorrect link.  The 612 - Account Settings on Vimeo  link is the correct one.  I have updated this in the table above as well.

Community Explorer

Hi this is Mavis and I was just looking over the format and I think it is easy to read and I can get it down well. thanks for the demo.