Upload an image directly to a discussion as a student

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas


As a student, I want to be able to upload an image directly to a discussion. I can only do this today using a cludgy, two-step workaround: (1) upload the image to my personal files, then (2) use the content-picker in the discussion-response window to select the image from my files. Instructors can upload images directly to discussions. Students can upload images directly to other parts of Canvas. Seems odd that this use case requires a workaround.

transferred from the old Community
Originally posted by: Sunny Washington
Thank you especially for contributions by: T Beasley, Stefanie Sanders

Comments from Instructure

This is now completed for mobile and web.

For more information, please read through the following release notes:

Canvas Student Release Notes (iOS 6.3) 

Canvas Student Release Notes (Android 6.3) 


Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Oh, aren't you a quick one! Still marking it complete over here. 60ish people to thank!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

For more information, please read through the Canvas Release Notes (2018-11-17).

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

So many of you have contributed to this feature idea, this is going to take a while, so bear with me...stefaniesanders Thank You, snugent Thank You, 745992 Thank You,  @anthonem  Thank You,  @cbennell  Thank You,  @hollands  Thank You,  @buellj  Thank You,  @kmatson  Thank Youtbrooks Thank You,  @isaac_piercy  Thank You,  @kedgecomb  Thank You,  @KristinL  Thank You,  @arovner  Thank You,  @Jeff_F  Thank You,  @kona  Thank You,  @kari  Thank You,  @James  Thank You,  @kmeeusen  Thank You,  @jdavis6  Thank You,  @amassals  Thank You,  @stale_heggset  Thank You, laurakgibbs Thank You,  @rlbrown21  Thank You,  @mribkoff  Thank You,  @amanda_youngblo  Thank You, screaton Thank You, leslie.arriaga Thank You,  @millerjm  Thank You,  @amy_hasinoff  Thank You,  @RhondaB  Thank You,  @jlvaughn  Thank You,  @michellemeazell  Thank You,  @momillard  Thank You,  @zachw  Thank You, baldwinl Thank You,  @monica_a  Thank You,  @dschober  Thank You, alex.white Thank You,  @sherri_hitz  Thank You, vmiller Thank You,  @steve_simpson  Thank You,  @efalconer  Thank You,  @illona_yukhayev  Thank You,  @nikolina_petrov  Thank You,  @adam_zolkover  Thank You, khirschmann Thank You,  @johnmartin  Thank You, mortonanngernsbacher Thank You,  @fvansaun  Thank You, jannah.bismillah1022 Thank You,  @james_wallerste  Thank You, sknaub2695 Thank You, npacheco Thank You, AJC17246 Thank You,  @sheldonj1  Thank You, zechariah.kouns Thank You,  @kmobbs  Thank You, abock Thank You, helpdesk Thank You, and  @ProfessorBeyrer  Thank You all for your contributions to this idea and the Canvas Community! 

Community Novice

I'm not quite at Huzzahing quite yet.  Am I reading the release notes as what is currently the state of the system or what the feature will be?  If the notes describe what the future work flow will be, I'm not sure this was worth the 3 year wait.  

Furthermore, this still appears to require students to first take a picture and then upload it.  They've had this simple interface with video for years....I'm not sure why they can't just build from this.  

This is one reason Canvas has not been effective in our K-5 schools.  

296312_Screen Shot 2018-11-05 at 3.07.28 PM.png

Community Member

Me at Adobe MAX

Thank you, thank you, thank you! This is perfect working. Just what we needed.

Community Novice

 @steve_simpson  I'm unsure what use case you have in mind.  Are you talking about snapping a picture using the web cam?  That's a very limited use case for what this feature is supposed to solve.  I'm just happy students can upload images into discussions now, any image, not just a snapshot of themselves.

Community Champion

Of course it would be most awesome if they could do what google does, and support pasting of screenshots and other copied images. Maybe in another 3 years... Smiley Wink

Baby steps! But Forward!

Community Champion

Of course I have a growth mindset cat for that! 🙂

I am learning step by step.

Community Coach
Community Coach

So I know this feature has been "updated" but I don't see evidence of it being better....

The new RCE images feature to upload images directly IS NOT terrific...at least from what I have tested.  

  1. Flickr is blocked by our district filters and so we discourage teachers and students from using it and so this is really not an viable option for us. (See pic 3)
  2. We use Chromebooks (32,000 devices)
  3. using the iOS app, this seems smoother
  4. LINK for my images (Slides)


ISSUE 1: Teachers can embed images directly from their computer,  why can't students? [See image 1]

  • Below you can see students DO NOT have ability to upload an image

 teacher vs student

ISSUE 2: It takes no less than 5 clicks for a student to embed an image using their Chromebook [See image 2]

student workflow to embed image

ISSUE 3: Flickr is blocked by our filters, we discourage teachers and students from using it. 


So, in my opinion, I don't see this as any improvement, save maybe 1 click.


  1. Allow students to upload image just like teachers
  2. Allow students to upload other Media such as a image/screenshot like then can when using the video tool,
  3. Allow copy/paste in the RTE to work.


Community Coach
Community Coach

Hey Steve, totally agree, allowing students to upload an image like they can a video would, it seems, provide an solution.