[Gradebook] Display Default Email in Gradebook and Speedgrader

I am fleshing out a an earlier feature request that evidently didn't go anywhere (*Display Student Email Address in Roster ).

At our university, the SIS_ID displayed in the People list and the Secondary ID displayed in the Gradebook are number-strings that are useful for big databases to match identities.  We also have a username that is much more human-friendly and that also forms the first part of our institutional email addresses.  That username is not displayed in any list or tool in such a way that an instructor can use it to ensure that the person whose record she is looking at is, indeed, the person she thinks it is.


A solution for us -- and we think others might find it useful -- is to allow the default email address to display to all instructional staff in the Grades list and alongside the student's name in Speedgrader.  This would also be useful in Quiz Moderation and other places where student names are listed.


Ideally, the gear-menu in the Grades list could include an option to allow the instructor to hide the Secondary ID and the Default Email if desired, just as the instructor may opt to hide or show student names or the notes column.  Whether this feature should be available to instructors should be a default controlled by the institutional admins.  An advantage to this placement is that the Gradebook can already be exported, thus providing an easy way for instructors to extract a list of email address for their students, which can be useful in any number of ways.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

This idea has moved to the next stage and will be open for voting among the Canvas Community, from Wed. November 2, 2016 - Wed. February 1, 2017.

Check out this doc for additional details about how the voting process works! Smiley Wink

Community Novice

I absolutely did not mean to vote DOWN, I am completely for this feature - whoever has the power, please delete my down vote!!

Community Champion

We have this very similar scenario with a campus ID# for SIS ID and the human-friendly loginid as the secondary id (though our loginid does not necessarily equate to the first part of the email address).  We have a number of faculty requests for making the email addresses more accessible in Gradebook, People, and Speedgrader. It's especially important to them when they have multiple students with the same name in a course.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

cravens-brown.1, votes registering incorrectly is a known bug in the Jive platform that supports the Canvas Community. Please refer to  @Renee_Carney ​'s announcement here: Canvas Feature Ideas   If you're not able to view the announcement, this is the text:

Dear Canvas Community,

We are sorry to report that there is currently a known bug with feature idea voting in the community.  A small percentage of the time, when someone tries to vote an idea up, their vote is recorded as a down-vote.  In most cases the work around is simple - just clicking “Up” a second time to change the vote from Down to Up.  If you encounter a situation where you mean to vote Up but it is recorded as a down vote and you cannot change it back to Up, please contact Canvas support to report which idea you are voting on, and what web browser and operating system you have.  We apologize for this inconvenience and are working hard to fix the problem.

So if you're not able to correct your down vote by voting up, please use the Report a Problem in your Canvas account to contact Canvas support (How do I get help with Canvas?​).

Community Champion

So it looks like this is getting more traction than this:

and basically is a superset of that idea, so I up-voted it.

Community Novice

Yes!  Please, please give us an easy way to extract a list of email addresses for our class.  My students do not regularly check their Canvas inbox, and even though they know they can receive notifications, many of them opt not to.

Community Novice

Please display default email in Gradebook. We have students in our classes with the exact same first name AND last name. Differentiation via the last name.# will facilitate the identification process when grading

Community Coach
Community Coach

I recall a presentation called and within the updated Grades tool is discussed.  This prompted me to take a close look at the current Grade tool and I noted that we have a Notes column that can be displayed and only the Teacher sees this. 

So for those rare instances where there are multiple students with the same name one can add a note here to differentiate.

11-20-2016 5-21-42 AM.jpg

Community Champion

That's a useful work-around for some situations.  Thanks.

Community Champion

Note that gradebook notes don't show up in the SpeedGrader, so you would not have a way to uniquely identify students when working in the SpeedGrader (and you won't necessarily have a file submitted by the student - assignments can be on-paper assignments which may then want to grade using rubrics).