[Assignments] Assign to by Group for Individual Assignment

This idea was submitted previously and archived (see below). I would also request the same thing. For individual assignments, I would like to be able to "Assign to" by Group. I often divide the class into groups with varying discussion assignments or assignment due dates, yet these are individual assignments. I teach large classes, so it is too much work to type in individual names repeatedly.


Assign to" Student Groups for Individual Assessment


I want to be able to create Groups based on their modification or need and assign it to that group.Currently we have teachers who have to type in a LOT of student names when it's a modified assignment. Being able to pre-create groups with those students in them and assign or exclude that group would save a lot of time.

Community Novice

Yes! The problem with the new way of Group Assignments is that they can see each other's submissions. I want to be able to assign to groups of kids who need a specific assignment without having to type all their names in every time, but when they submit, it submits it individually so they can't see each other's submissions. If we could add a button that says "Submit Individually" next to the Assign to Group area, like with the "Grade Individually" button, that would be great! Thanks for bringing this back up Ashley!

Community Champion

Hi  @ashley_harvey ​

If I am reading your idea correctly, this can already be done in Canvas using Differentiated Assignments. After your groups have been created, assignments can then be associated with specific groups for completion by those groups. I believe this feature was developed after  @crystal_trotter ​ created her request.

You can learn more about Differentiated Assignments at What do Differentiated Assignments look like in Canvas?

Let us know if this is what your are looking for or not.


Community Novice

Yes, this can be done, but as I understand it, students can see each other's submissions if they are in the same group. I think she would prefer they be "individual" assignments whereas its less about the students being able to work in groups but more about being grouped by need to assign specific assignments; therefore, their submission is individual and only seen by them and the teacher. I think we are seeing it for a different purpose than what it was created.

Community Novice

I agree with Crystal.  Groups to use for modifications would be extremely helpful for our grades 7-12 teachers.  It is more about the assigning benefits and NOT about the work being done collaboratively.  We do not want students in these types of groups to see each others submissions; However, we do want to assign specific work to groups of students that share modifications like extended time, modified content, etc. This will ease teacher workload for those that have many students in each class and many different types of modifications.

Community Team
Community Team

Hi  @ashley_harvey ​

Groups were added to differentiated assignments in March 2016, per ​.  Groups are, by design, collaborative spaces and activities.  Course sections are designed to categorize users.  You can accomplish your idea by going to your courses settings and setting up sections.  Then use the sections to differentiate the assignments.

     How do I assign an Assignment to an individual student or course section?

Please let us know how that works for you!

Community Novice

Thank you. As I understand it, everyone in the "group" can see the other's individual assignments, and people not in the group cannot see them. This is problematic for me. For discussions, I would like everyone in the class to see the discussion, even if only some people are "assigned" to post. For individual papers, it is the opposite. I would like to assign by group but not have them see each other's submissions. Let me know if I am understanding the system correctly.

Community Novice

Thank you. As I understand it, everyone in the "group" can see the other's individual assignments, and people not in the group cannot see them. This is problematic for me. For discussions, I would like everyone in the class to see the discussion, even if only some people are "assigned" to post. For individual papers, it is the opposite. I would like to assign by group but not have them see each other's submissions. Let me know if I am understanding the system correctly.

Community Champion

 @ashley_harvey ​,  @crystal_trotter  and  @shaunda_douglas ​,

Most likely students are seeing each others' submissions because of the use of the Assignment option​ "This is a Group Assignment", which requires group rather than individual submissions.

Based on what you described, I believe you are assigning work to a group, but seeking submissions from individual students.  Would it be possible for you to try building an assignment which:

  • Leaves "This is a Group Assignment" unchecked. This ensures individual submissions and (for all but Graded Discussions) keeps students from seeing any other submissions besides their own.
  • Has Assign To for the specific group you are targeting, as  @kmeeusen ​ and  @Renee_Carney  recommend?

Would an assignment configured that way meet your needs?

Community Novice

Hi Rob,

I wish that were possible, but in my experience (unless I am missing something), Assigning to Groups is only an option when the box is checked for “This is a group assignment.” If it is not a group assignment, then Groups do not show up on the “Assign to” list. If they did, that would solve a lot of problems!


Community Champion

 @ashley_harvey , you are absolutely right! Thanks for testing my suggestion and reporting your findings, and I'm sorry for any confusion I caused by that not-quite-right suggestion. When I tried unchecking "This is a group assignment" but leaving the group selected in Assign To, a callout error message appeared when I tried to Save an assignment configured this way:

You cannot assign to a group outside of the assignment's group set

In the original feature idea for group differentiated assignments,  @kona  also pointed out the same limitation you, Crystal and Shaunda,​ note above. The currently available workaround - albeit one requiring lots of clicks - is to Assign To each group member individually (and not to other students who shouldn't be doing this assignment).

If the community managers approve this idea, I'll be certain to vote for it and recommend it to colleagues. Our institution has instructors with this need.