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Masquerade Reports

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Has anyone been able to run a masquerade/act as user report for their school? We are wanting to run a report that basically tells us 1) the person doing the masquerading, 2) the person being masqueraded, and 3) date/time this was done. We have gotten a few requests, and it's been tough going getting information from Canvas.

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi, tcox, we've locked this question as a duplicate of Masquerade Reports, where you're receiving responses. For future reference, it's not necessary to post the same question in multiple groups or spaces. Instead, post it in the space with the largest audience—e.g. Q & A‌, as you did—and then use the Share button at the upper right to share it out to any other group/space of which you're a member (and we did that for you earlier). That keeps the conversation consolidated in one spot and prevents duplicative/parallel threads from ensuing.


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