Does anyone know if completing the api for Terms is on the roadmap?

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That you can not set the availability for role via the api is really annoying.  I would like to be able to control the availably and to some degree the visibly of courses based on a persons role in the course.  That I have to modify the terms manually is really annoying since.  They are created via SIS but most of the fields are not accessible via SIS.

<minor rant off/>

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Community Novice

Hi  @ordwaye  ,

I am going through having a look at some of the early days in the Canvas Developers group, and checking in to see if older enquiries have been answered. I also noticed there hasn’t been any discussion on this question.

I have had a look at the current iteration of the APIs and can happily confirm that this is now available Enrollment Terms - Canvas LMS REST API Documentation

I will mark this as assumed answered for the time being, however, by all means please let us know if you still have an outstanding question and we will take a peek!


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