
Erik Ordway
Community Explorer
Apr 15, 2015 10:26:14 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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I so I have tried to set this up a couple times with both the instant heroku version and the cli version setting my own keys.  In both cases I am getting and error of BLTI not valid: our key:  XXXXXXw...
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If you are will to work in ruby there is a prebuilt gem , pandarus, that wraps the whole api and is pretty easy to use. GitHub - instructure/pandarus: A Ruby library for the Canvas API (and code gener...
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I use the api via the Pandurus gem.  Based on a faculty request feed from another app I use content migrate to pull in a template course.  This is then completed by creating modules for the varying nu...
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instructure/pandarus · GitHub​ It has been pretty handy for creating and modifying courses.  For that matter is anyone else using /doc/api/live in the site to play with the API?
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No doubt.  We run multi quarter courses and use sections to group enrollments so someone might be int the fall, winter, spring sections of a course.  This is great news.
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Did this code actually work?
Jul 31, 2024 13:22 PM
If you know their sis id you can pass that in the form of 'sis_user_id:A000030483' . 
Apr 05, 2017 13:08 PM
You can also play with the api at Canvas Live API 
Apr 04, 2017 17:15 PM
So I wrote a small tool to process the data from Discussions that you can get from the Canvas Data Portal.  It does two things extract and save records from a date range and download the canvas stored...
Mar 15, 2017 18:10 PM
Hopefully the documentation for update will also properly update doc/api/live and pandarus.
Jan 24, 2017 14:26 PM

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