Erik Ordway
Community Explorer
Apr 15, 2015 10:26:14 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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I so I have tried to set this up a couple times with both the instant heroku version and the cli version setting my own keys. In both cases I am getting and error of BLTI not valid: our key: XXXXXXw...
If you are will to work in ruby there is a prebuilt gem , pandarus, that wraps the whole api and is pretty easy to use. GitHub - instructure/pandarus: A Ruby library for the Canvas API (and code gener...
I use the api via the Pandurus gem. Based on a faculty request feed from another app I use content migrate to pull in a template course. This is then completed by creating modules for the varying nu...
instructure/pandarus · GitHub It has been pretty handy for creating and modifying courses. For that matter is anyone else using /doc/api/live in the site to play with the API?
No doubt. We run multi quarter courses and use sections to group enrollments so someone might be int the fall, winter, spring sections of a course. This is great news.
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Did this code actually work?
If you know their sis id you can pass that in the form of 'sis_user_id:A000030483' .
You can also play with the api at Canvas Live API
So I wrote a small tool to process the data from Discussions that you can get from the Canvas Data Portal. It does two things extract and save records from a date range and download the canvas stored...
Hopefully the documentation for update will also properly update doc/api/live and pandarus.
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