Adjusting Term Access Dates

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

I have seen several Canvas admins who love the "access dates" on terms, but are hesitant to use them because they have MANY terms that would need to be adjusted.  Currently, it must be done through the UI, one-at-a-time and can be quite time consuming.  It can not be done through a CSV upload, nor is it documented in the API.

Well, I whipped up a Google Spreadsheet to help Canvas admins create the API to change these access dates. It's not fancy. It simply creates the API call that you can then copy and paste into a MAC or Linux terminal. It can also be used in a Windows command prompt if you install cURL.

Feel free to critique, improve, re-share etc.  If you decide to automate this more, I'd appreciate it if you would share a link in the comments below so others can benefit from this work, too.

Here is my Google Spreadsheet.

I hope this helps!

Keep Learning!

Community Explorer

If that works, and I assume it does, then the API has been updated to handle this.  What has not been updated is the API documentation that generates the /doc/live/api pages and pandarus.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @ordwaye  I submitted a request to update the API documentation. I was just told it should be coming out in the next beta release. It is also now visible in lines 51-57 in this code to be rolled out shortly. 

I hope this helps!

Community Explorer

I looks like we both did this.  Congratulations to both of us.

Community Explorer

Hopefully the documentation for update will also properly update doc/api/live and pandarus.

Community Contributor

The release notes for this Saturday (4/1), show the API changes should be there. I'll be looking for it!