Canvas Badges/Credentials and GDPR
Canvas Badges/Credentials is GDPR compliant as of January 2019.
Recent Updates

With changes introduced by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union (EU) and bolstered by similar regulations in Canada and Australia, the Canvas Badges/Credentials Team has made the following updates:
- The Privacy Policy & Terms of Service have been updated to ensure users are clear about what personal data Canvas Badges/Credentials collects and how it’s protected.
- We've additionally self-certified as compliant with the Privacy Shield Framework.
Canvas Badges/Credentials Server Locations
Data residency offerings have been introduced to allow data to be stored and processed in Australia, Canada, the European Union, and the United States. Links to Badges/Credentials:

We believe that our GDPR compliance and regional servers make your experience with Canvas Badges/Credentials even better. Please contact us if you have any questions.
Know Your Rights
Badge issuers may provide Canvas Badges/Credentials with your email address and the data about your achievement contained within a badge award. If you have questions about a badge you received, please contact the issuer directly.
Requesting Removal of Your Data
You may request a copy of your data, request removal of data about you or request to have incorrect information updated by contacting our support team.