Support for Peer Review Coming Soon to Assignment Enhancements


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Over the past several months, a team of our Canvas engineers has been working to provide access to peer review assignments in the enhanced assignment view instead of reverting back to the classic view. We are pleased to announce that this feature will be made available in production on Wednesday, March 29, 2023. 

Just like most things with this project (and true to its name), we've enhanced the student experience to make it more intuitive and to better ensure successful outcomes. First, we've made it easier for students to see when they have peer reviews to complete by showing them under the assignment for which they are required on both the assignment index page and in modules. 

Module view of assignments, including two peer reviews.Module view of assignments, including two peer reviews.

Peer reviews that are not yet available are easily identified from the module and assignment view as shown in the image above for Required Peer Review 2. If, however, a student still attempts to open the unavailable peer review, they are met with clear communication to know that it is not yet ready and asked to come back to the review a bit later. 

Unavailable peer review with message to check back soon.Unavailable peer review with message to check back soon.



Also, throughout the peer review process, the student is met with helpful reminders of what to do, such as submit their own assignment first or to complete the rubric in order to complete the peer review. In addition, there are a series of modals that will help the student through the process and let them know when they have successfully completed their required peer reviews. 

Modal to guide student and clearly communicate peer review progress.Modal to guide student and clearly communicate peer review progress.


We thank all who gave feedback on these designs before development started and also during the process. We look forward to hearing from those in this user group as we release this new, enhanced functionality that will improve success rates for completion of peer reviews given more visibility into the expectations and process. 





Community Member

This update would be amazing to the peer review functionality in Canvas. I have experienced designing this in many way to try and work around the hiccups that happen. 

Community Contributor

@jsailorIs this active? We have assignment enhancements turned on, but I'm not seeing the module view like you showed above.

Community Participant

This is a great step forward! The additional listing and screen reminders will help students with their next steps.

However, we really need enable a two due date format for peer reviews in order for this process to meaningfully work for busy students who don't have the bandwidth to keep checking back for a paper to review. Right now, they only see a single due date, that of the entire assignment cycle.

In essence, each peer review assignment has two due dates: (1) for the student's individual paper submission and (2) of course, for their work reviewing another paper. 

The instructor should be able to assign the original paper submission date separately, then assign the due date to complete the peer reviews. Both of these due dates need to display in the Assignments list, on their calendars, and in their To Do list. As it is now, they only see the final due date for the entire cycle, and this does not give them a meaningful goal to meet for their individual paper.

What may also help is a notification alert for students once an assignment has been submitted for them to review. 


Current due date display to students gives them no goal for their original paper submission:




Community Contributor

Per Canvas Support (thanks, Jeff!), this feature needs to be turned on by your CSM.

Community Champion

I have a few concerns with the new peer review process. 

First on the assignment peer review, when students view the individual assignment page there is no indication that there is a peer review to complete. If an instructor hides the assignment  page and doesn't use modules, how will student know to complete a peer review? 

Second issue is when the student is completing the peer review, the rubric displays at the top and submitted paper at the bottom. This will require the student to scroll up and down a lot. I would prefer the student be able see the rubric side by side the submitted paper (like in SpeedGrader).

Community Champion

Thanks, @kmallen, I was able to work with our institution's CSM team to get a chance to try out the feature.  I like that it improves discoverability of assigned peer reviews for students and hope that it will eventually communicate deadlines as @LauraCira and @snugent also suggested.

Unfortunately I'm also seeing evidence in this new feature that there's been an uncommunicated change to how peer review works, overall, in Canvas.  For many years, our teachers have used the capability of How do I manually assign peer reviews for an assignment? mentioned in the first bullet point of that guide's Notes. I'll copy it here in case it gets revised away:

  • When manually assigning peer reviews, students can complete their assigned peer reviews without having to submit their own assignment first.

This isn't possible anymore as of a few weeks ago; our support case about that, 09636446, remains On Hold as of this comment's initial posting. However, that new change is reflected in on-screen help for Assignment Enhancements peer review support:

Assignment Enhancements Peer Review Screenshot 2023-04-17.png

@jsailor, is there anything Canvas Product can share about why that on-screen help is there and whether it confirms a removal of a previously supported/documented workflow for peer review?


Community Participant

Hi, in addition to, or following on from other peoples comments, we recently took a good look at the new enhancements and have a couple of issues with the new feature:

Reviewing Peer work Message 

 When a student access the space to assess other students work, the following message is displayed:  

“Details: Please submit your work here and then review your peers work.”  

This message doesn’t make sense, as the student has already submitted their own work. Can the wording be changed to “Please review your peers work”. 


Timely Peer Review 

How does the tutor know when students have finished peer reviewing? It would be useful if the student reviewing work could have a submit button so that the tutors know whether the student has finished their review. There are some similar requests in comments by other users. Tutors risk marking the reviewer when they haven’t finished marking.  

Guidance to help students peer review 

There’s a lack of guidance for students when they complete a review. What’ the students next steps? Should they use a rubric? Should they annotate on the work or just add comments? Is it up to the student? This information could be added to the initial assignment, but it would be useful if there was an area that provided specific guidance to reviewers when they are reviewing. 

Tutors View of a students submission has not changed 

When a tutor accesses the students submission from the peer review window, the old assignment window loads: 


Reviewing Reviewers 

Part of the peer review process can be awarding marks to the quality of the review. There aren’t any processes for this inside Canvas.