[ARCHIVED] Push notifications for Admins

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Would it be useful for you as an Account Admin to be able push out urgent notifications?  What I'm imagining is an email sent ASAP to all users and a popup message that appears the first time a user logs into Canvas after the message is posted  Or is this too much power to place in the hands of an admin?  Do you think it would be beneficial to give Teachers a more limited "push" option, restricted to her course (of course) and perhaps that sends an ASAP email without the pop-up?  Perhaps it could be built around Canvas messaging by providing a way to pop urgent messages to the foreground.  Messages that appear in the Dashboard don't work for us, since our portal takes people directly to their selected course, bypassing the dashboard.  Even without the portal, people would use links to the course home page and skip the dashboard. 

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Community Coach
Community Coach

 @hesspe ​, we've more or less already done this using courses. I've got one course with all my faculty and another course with all of our students (each semester is it's own section). Because the student course is broken apart by semester/section I can target students enrolled just this semester when I send out my message. For the faculty course (which is also our mandatory Training course and has useful College/Canvas resources), I have it set up in the gradebook as to which instructors are qualified to teach traditional, hybrid, and/or online courses in Canvas. Using this I can then send out targeted emails just to faculty who teach online or just to faculty who teach hybrid courses, etc. Overall this works really well and I'm pretty happy with how it works.

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