Community Champion
Apr 2, 2015 11:04:09 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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1) No sunset: Continue to support both old and new quizzes into the foreseeable future. This is based on the fact, which I have heard no one convincingly refute, that because new quizzes was develope...
Scott Dennis and Instructure have done a remarkable job constructing this community. Both the radically innovative notion of including customers in the discussion of product direction, and the implem...
I believe, to follow along with the garden analogy, that you are headed "down the garden path." The behavioral economics principle of "loss aversion" is pretty well established - tha...
@SuSorensen @atcarver @chriscas @lisa_wathen @milesl @rshultz @n_adamson @briddell @venitk @DeletedUser @michelle_coots @gncrum @mjennings @tarn...
Build on what @samuel_heer said. While I acknowledge that there is a lot I like about new quizzes (despite my frequent carping comments about them (including this one), we expect a very rocky tran...
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>> It keeps going to the bottom of the page and cant move it around right?
Sounds the same. Always nice to find it's not just me.
I've been trying to add a section between two existing sections. When I create a new section it's always added to the bottom of the page, apparently inattentive to where in the page I cli...
Problem statement:
At the end of every semester it seems we deal with several instructors who have inadvertently created assignments worth 0 points, and in many cases (except where they chose to displ...
Two questions about the Student Analysis Report:
- The notes say it will be a feature option, but in Beta it isn't listed on the feature options page, though it is available on the Reports page in...
This seems to me like sound pedagogy, but I think it could be a very heavy lift to code. Checkpoints have been on the docket since 2015. They were originally expected to arrive with the discussion r...
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