[ARCHIVED] Notability and canvas submissions issues?

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Our students are having a hard time submitting assignments from Notability directly into Canvas on their iPads.  Some students have the Canvas app to submit from their notability and some do not have the Canvas app option at all (not even in "more apps").  Some students that can submit are confused with the course selection to submit because past enrollments options are listed in their classes to select from their courses.  Can past courses be filtered so students only see their present courses?

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2 Solutions
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

We had gotten word that this was happening and we have a fix for it in place already. The next release will only show courses with an "active" enrollment in the Submit Assignment flow which will exclude past enrollments.

Sorry for the trouble. Thank you very much for bringing it to our attention.


iOS Team Lead

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Today we had a ton of issues with turning in assignments to Canvas from Notability.  I verified that students were running the latest iOS on their iPad, and had installed the recent Canvas update.  It acts like the PDF is submitting from Notability to Canvas but it never shows up on the Canvas side.  Have you had any reports of that or know the fix for it.  My teachers and students are getting frustrated along with the people helping the students troubleshoot.

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