I started my career in Education in 2001 as a 1st grade teacher in Lufkin Texas. From day one I would look for ways to incorporate technology into my classroom. At that time it was with an overhead projector and a few computers. The closest I got to 1:1 in my classroom was 5:1 with AlphaSmart keyboards I had for students to write stories on. In 2007 I moved to New Braunfels and taught 3rd and 4th grade in Comal. It was that year that my love for technology in the classroom grew even more. I was given a laptop and iPad to use, and the following year I was able to checkout laptop carts and iPod touches for my students in my classroom. I was finally able to be 1:1 in my classroom as long as I planned ahead and checked out the laptop cart before the other teachers on my campus. Technology allowed my students the ability to do things they never could before. They were able to create videos of themselves teaching a topic, create digital books filled with their writing from the year, and make podcasts about math vocabulary words so other students could learn from them. They had knowledge at their finger tips and were able to research outside the scoop of the books available to them in the library. I loved it and my students loved it! In 2013, the opportunity arose for me to join the Technology Department of NBISD and for me to have a part in the 1:1 iPad initiative. I had seen first hand how technology impacted my students in the classroom and wanted that for others. By putting technology in the hands of each student, and by directing and guiding them we are empowering them and helping them develop collaboration, creativity, communication, and critical thinking skills necessary for this changing world. I love supporting the teachers of NBISD and helping them learn and grow in the world of technology. So in return they can empower their students to be self-reliant learners and build skills that will carry them outside of the classroom walls and into their future.