Hello @JCLambert123 ...
External tools are typically known in the Canvas Community as LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability) apps. In a nutshell, LTI apps are third-party applications that can be integrated into Canvas. They are called "external tools" because they are not part of the native Canvas interface. Many of the LTI external tools that can be integrated into Canvas have some sort of cost or subscription fee associated with them, but there are a handful that are free to use A complete list of free and paid LTI tools can be found at the EduAppCenter website. More often than not, these LTI external apps are configured and installed by your school's local Canvas administrator so that the app is available to all courses in your school's Canvas environment. Some apps, though, are meant to be installed at the course level rather than at the larger account level.
If there is a specific LTI external tool that you are looking to use, you may need to reach out to your school's local Canvas administrator to get more help with this...as the available apps that your school have will probably differ compared to what another school has purchased and/or installed.
I hope this helps a bit. Sing out if you have any other questions...thanks! Take care, stay safe, and be well.
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