[ARCHIVED] Accessibility Checker for External Docs

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Does anyone have a recommendation for an accessibility checker that integrates with Canvas and works on external docs like PDF and Word? 

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Deactivated user, I'm glad that  @mworden ​ bumped this question to the forefront, because it heretofore had escaped my notice. I concur with Mark that an application that checks PDFs and Word documents doesn't necessarily need to integrate with Canvas.

Since we're on the topic of accessibility, I thought I'd share a laundry list of accessibility resources I've compiled over the years. You might be aware of some or all of them already, and many of them are specific to media, but I hope you find some of them worthwhile. Some of the websites have additional links that are worth exploring.

Access Color--Online Tool for Colour Contrast

AC Checker (checks single HTML pages)

WAVE (web accessibility evaluation tool for a web address)

WebAIM (training, assistance, certification)

ADA-compliant captions (according to TechSmith)

Accessibility and Usability at Penn State (for video captioning)

Dive Into Accessibility (tips)

ui Access (best practices for transcripts on the web)

Universal Usability (for media)

Writing an Explainer Video

That clears out my bookmark folder for ADA compliance. Smiley Happy Hope this helps!

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