
Community Explorer
Aug 1, 2019 12:22:19 PM
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We have setup an assignment with the following dates:Due Date = 10/13 11:59pmAvailable From = 10/5 11:59pm   Until 10/13 11:59pmWe always use the Available From and Until dates so that Canvas ...
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Got it!Thank you for the clarification!g.
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I have given a quiz. The grades were mostly horrible. I am offering a make-up quiz with the understanding that I will take the highest of the two scores. (the original quiz score OR the score from the...
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Is there a way to allow students to access assignments that their classmates have uploaded into Canvas?I have assigned each student a term paper which they'll upload into Canvas.I want students to...
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I have given a quiz. The grades were mostly horrible. I am offering a make-up quiz with the understanding that I will take the highest of the two scores. (the original quiz score OR the score from the...
Nov 15, 2021 5:32:06 PM
Is there a way to allow students to access assignments that their classmates have uploaded into Canvas?I have assigned each student a term paper which they'll upload into Canvas.I want students to...
Aug 11, 2020 12:23:12 PM
Morning Rick,We apparently do not have that functionality in our version of Canvas.https://carrington.instructure.com/courses/22946/quizzes/115876/editI should be ok otherwise.Thank you!g.
Apr 20, 2020 8:11:56 AM
Thank you Rick!You've been most helpful.I'm down to the wire converting all of my final exams to Canvas as our campus remains closed.I take comfort that I may not be alone!Have a relaxing Sund...
Apr 18, 2020 9:42:49 PM
Thank you Rick!Regarding the option, "Only available to students with link": Does the "link" refer to the image link imbedded in the quiz question?One last question: If I enter comment...
Apr 18, 2020 1:09:48 PM

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