Lacy Bryant
Community Member
Jul 30, 2019 9:05:38 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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Problem statement:
My teachers would like to grade anonymously in the Canvas iOs Teacher App. Grade anonymously = hide student names to remove bias. This is currently a feature in the Canvas web p...
Problem statement:
As Account Admin one of the issues I see the most is teachers copying assignments from one grading period or term to another and having trouble with the dates. Often they do not or ...
Question: What do you mean go Home and "select 'choose home page?" I did steps 1 and 2, but I can't find the option to select home page as the front page instead of modules.
Problem statement:
For Google Cloud Assignments, students do not get a confirmation if their submission went through. Is there a way to let students know that these assignments were successfully submi...
Most Recent Posts
Problem statement:
My teachers would like to grade anonymously in the Canvas iOs Teacher App. Grade anonymously = hide student names to remove bias. This is currently a feature in the Canvas web p...
Problem statement:
As Account Admin one of the issues I see the most is teachers copying assignments from one grading period or term to another and having trouble with the dates. Often they do not or ...
Question: What do you mean go Home and "select 'choose home page?" I did steps 1 and 2, but I can't find the option to select home page as the front page instead of modules.
Problem statement:
For Google Cloud Assignments, students do not get a confirmation if their submission went through. Is there a way to let students know that these assignments were successfully submi...
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