Melody Lam
Community Coach
Canvas Admin/Program Manager
Apr 13, 2018 7:57:12 AM
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Instructure Advocate and interested in pushing Canvas to new heights! I work at a large K-12 school district that uses Canvas and MasteryConnect and I'm always interested in sharing and learning from the Developer and Admin communities.
Most Liked Posts
@NickChevalierUT Welcome! Last year was my first year going to InstructureCon (and presenting!) so there's definitely a lot I would've done differently (room for swag being one of them!)
Chiming in to also point out that 1) the change is welcome but 2) the lack of a date on when the update will occur is a little concerning, as we're heading into teacher workday...
@DavidGeismar2 Welcome, and welcome to using the API!
You'll want to use the following API endpoint to GET the courses from a specific account/subaccount:
<your canvas URL>/api/v1/accoun...
Will the permissions be ON for instructors when this feature is officially in production, or will I need to go in and enable those permissions?
Presentation Title and Presenter
Canvas Third Party Integrations: Evaluating Faculty Needs, Use of Protected Data, and Accessibility
Christopher Casey, University of Michigan-Dearborn, Coord...
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@mattkrins Yes, you can use the Canvas API to do this. The API is located under Account Reports - Canvas LMS REST API Documentation The equivalent in the UI is to go to your account or subaccount,...
Members of the community here unfortunately won't be able to access your specific Canvas setup. Your best course of action is to utilize your support structure at your institu...
@mswebmaster Great question!
Pros of generating a test ID and using the student.masteryconnect.com link -- they don't have to log in to a service like MasteryConnect or Canvas, which is good f...
@JayMaldonado Welcome! Without more information we can't really help, but here are some things to check:
1) Is the student in the correct section? Sometimes students can end up in two sections...
@swaldie Hey! It looks like you need to create the course first then update the courses's settings using the Update Course Settings endpoint. I don't think you're able to do it all in ...
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