John Svoboda
Community Member
Feb 2, 2018 11:59:38 AM
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Ridiculous this functionality does not exist. I am forced to use quizzes as exams with remote students and no exam function in Canvas. Can't limit visibility of answers? Is this Third Grade??? ...
Yes indeed. I think there is low tolerance of such slow/poor upgrades from Canvas, much as from Apple who take a VERY similar approach, because while their market share and revenue are enormous, thei...
Yup,They keep asking me about taking unpublished quizzes in their calendar, that I use with undergrads only. I can type 50% now!
I teach multiple versions of the same course. Undergraduate and graduate. they have different components And are taught alternating semesters. And it is simply Nonsensical That unpublished compone...
Pretty crazy this was not baked in. New to Canvas and sure feels like a platform for grade to high school, not college grad school. Lots of automated convenience for the teacher with a large number ...
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Ridiculous this functionality does not exist. I am forced to use quizzes as exams with remote students and no exam function in Canvas. Can't limit visibility of answers? Is this Third Grade??? ...
Yes indeed. I think there is low tolerance of such slow/poor upgrades from Canvas, much as from Apple who take a VERY similar approach, because while their market share and revenue are enormous, thei...
Thanks. Seems a no-brainer to clarify type of question automatically in the quiz engine. Can't imagine a downside. Should certainly warn instructors they need to include that descriptor in each...
Seems obvious but preview does not show such: In a quiz with both multiple choice and multiple select, does the quiz not indicate the question type? If it doesn't, which would seem to be pretty ...
Yup,They keep asking me about taking unpublished quizzes in their calendar, that I use with undergrads only. I can type 50% now!
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