
Community Participant
Aug 14, 2018 9:38:28 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Is there a way to change the point value of questions in a quiz that has already been created? It hasn't been published yet. I know in Blackboard you can use course tools, tests, choose the test, ...
Likes: 13
Your question can actually be used with ChatGPT as is (or other LLM), along with the documentation you want GenAI to review. For example: Prompt the GenAI: You are an expert instructional designer. I ...
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Send the form in to be part of the Alpha group. 🙂 Looking forward to playing! Heather 
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I found a post and solution for my inquiry from Canvas Community Coach @Ron_Bowman - may not be an exact solution, but it HELPS tremendously so I wanted to share. The information may be found Colo...
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Thanks @KristinL  for your reply. I figured as much. 🙂 I tried every which way and nothing. I did find out from our IT analyst, that the school where this was done uses Ciditools. I'm ...
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Most Recent Posts

Your question can actually be used with ChatGPT as is (or other LLM), along with the documentation you want GenAI to review. For example: Prompt the GenAI: You are an expert instructional designer. I ...
Dec 19, 2024 9:23:31 AM
Send the form in to be part of the Alpha group. 🙂 Looking forward to playing! Heather 
Dec 19, 2023 7:17:18 AM
We've noticed that when we try to award a badge, the day the badge states it is being awarded is defaulting to the previous day, instead of the current day it is being awarded. Any ideas? Heather 
Oct 5, 2023 8:22:56 AM
I would love to see the ability to have html code available to transform a page automatically. And what I mean by this is, if I don't know html but know what I want to have happen on a page, that ...
Mar 15, 2023 6:42:22 AM
I definitely don't have confidence in coding. I just copied the three different scenarios given by Ron, and then inserted different text, say where the text 'red' was and inserted 'blu...
Jan 11, 2023 10:27:33 AM

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