Jessica Lanoue
Community Member
Jul 16, 2018 11:29:29 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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I understand I can do this by putting pages into modules but I moreso want it for my own organization, like one year I might use it but not another. OR, having the option to have folders like "upd...
It it was first requested in 2016, and then again in 2021- seems like they have had a lot of time. I want to be able to give my students access to my pages (and I realize they see the published only, ...
Problem statement:
Problem: right now, you can only sort assignments in gradebook by missing, excused, lowest/highest score, missing, late, unposted, it would be great to be able to sort by graded or ...
I requested a change in the "view all pages" area for students. I want to be able to have folders so that, similar to modules, we could group pages together, by unit or theme. This way, if stu...
It would be so helpful if within the "view all pages" option teachers could create folders. That way- if certain pages were not being used for that particular year they could be separated but ...
Most Recent Posts
It it was first requested in 2016, and then again in 2021- seems like they have had a lot of time. I want to be able to give my students access to my pages (and I realize they see the published only, ...
I understand I can do this by putting pages into modules but I moreso want it for my own organization, like one year I might use it but not another. OR, having the option to have folders like "upd...
Problem statement:
Problem: right now, you can only sort assignments in gradebook by missing, excused, lowest/highest score, missing, late, unposted, it would be great to be able to sort by graded or ...
I requested a change in the "view all pages" area for students. I want to be able to have folders so that, similar to modules, we could group pages together, by unit or theme. This way, if stu...
It would be so helpful if within the "view all pages" option teachers could create folders. That way- if certain pages were not being used for that particular year they could be separated but ...
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