[Gradebook] Sort by Grading Status

Problem statement:

Problem: right now, you can only sort assignments in gradebook by missing, excused, lowest/highest score, missing, late, unposted, it would be great to be able to sort by graded or ungraded as well.

Proposed solution:

Solution: add another filter option to be able to view a specific assignment by whether or not it has been graded or not.

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1 Comment
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Seeking Clarity

Hi @jlanoue6487 -

Have you explored filters in the Gradebook? You may be able to quickly toggle between a couple of saved views! I found in one guide, that you can use the Submissions Filter, and prioritize items that have been ungraded. Would this help you accomplish what you need, or would you prefer the option to sort the full column?

I look forward to hearing from you!