Katie Biehl
Community Member
Instructional Designer & LMS Administrator
Jun 18, 2024 12:08:20 PM
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Old Hat at ID theory and application. Newbie in Canvas.
Most Liked Posts
One of our faculty members also had this issue. They had to manually go through each individual assignment and change the submission type back to "file upload" as it set all their assignments&...
I'm assuming Canvas text notifications have gone away considering they are now only used for MFA? Anyone able to verify?
I am looking for a way for tutors to give feedback to students without being able to access grades. Currently, if they want to use SpeedGrader to give feedback to help a student with their work, they ...
I am trying to build an ungraded survey to score complete/incomplete. I was unable to use Classic Quizzes because I was not able to see the results in Speed Grader. I would like to use Microsoft Forms...
What was the solution? I do not see it here?
Most Recent Posts
One of our faculty members also had this issue. They had to manually go through each individual assignment and change the submission type back to "file upload" as it set all their assignments&...
I'm assuming Canvas text notifications have gone away considering they are now only used for MFA? Anyone able to verify?
I am looking for a way for tutors to give feedback to students without being able to access grades. Currently, if they want to use SpeedGrader to give feedback to help a student with their work, they ...
I am trying to build an ungraded survey to score complete/incomplete. I was unable to use Classic Quizzes because I was not able to see the results in Speed Grader. I would like to use Microsoft Forms...
What was the solution? I do not see it here?
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