Community Participant
Jun 21, 2016 7:27:55 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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See this article in the Admin Guide: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Admin-Guide/How-do-I-view-bounced-email-notifications-for-users-in-an/ta-p/434165. At the very end of the article it states: To...
Problem statement:
Allow sub-account Admins to reset student passwords.
Proposed solution:
Since sub-account Admins already have permission to view the "People" section of the sub-account, th...
Basically, Copy this Course adds content from the blueprint course being copied and the Blueprint Sync also adds content from the blueprint course.
To avoid duplicate content, create an empty course s...
Allow export of the data on People page (Canvas).Copy/paste gets tedious especially when working with multiple pages of People.
Please change the way Pages section of Canvas courses load. Currently, not all pages are automatically loaded when click Pages link, instead user has to constantly keep scrolling to get to see all th...
Most Recent Posts
See this article in the Admin Guide: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Admin-Guide/How-do-I-view-bounced-email-notifications-for-users-in-an/ta-p/434165. At the very end of the article it states: To...
Problem statement:
Allow sub-account Admins to reset student passwords.
Proposed solution:
Since sub-account Admins already have permission to view the "People" section of the sub-account, th...
Basically, Copy this Course adds content from the blueprint course being copied and the Blueprint Sync also adds content from the blueprint course.
To avoid duplicate content, create an empty course s...
Allow export of the data on People page (Canvas).Copy/paste gets tedious especially when working with multiple pages of People.
Please change the way Pages section of Canvas courses load. Currently, not all pages are automatically loaded when click Pages link, instead user has to constantly keep scrolling to get to see all th...
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