
Community Participant
Apr 3, 2017 2:10:06 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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With the assessment late policy feature, Gradebook 2.0 removes the burden which our lecturers have to deduct the mark for late submission manually. The late submissions are identified automatically...
Likes: 74
When recording comments for student submissions in Speed-grader or using the speech to text engine, please consider enabling scrolling of the student paper.  This allows us to go through the submissio...
Likes: 6
Thanks for a great feature! In addition to the above recommendations, I wonder if the speed to text function can be turned on inside the comment library so teachers can quickly update the comments.
Likes: 1
Hi, our teachers have recently experienced this issue (11 Dec 2020). We use new gradebook. No late policy is applied. The fudge point value is awarded differently for each student (ie, 0.25; 0.22, 0.3...
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As a Canvas school admin, I also got the same question from teachers on how do they separate the rubric window when they do the making. I hope the feature will be implemented soon.
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As a Canvas school admin, I also got the same question from teachers on how do they separate the rubric window when they do the making. I hope the feature will be implemented soon.
Nov 22, 2022 00:10 AM
I have the same question as Amanda. Is it possible to only show the scheme to the students only
Sep 22, 2022 03:16 AM
@Stef_retired I have updated the post as your suggestion. Please feel free to update to make it clearer.
Nov 17, 2021 03:02 AM
@Stefanie, I updated the post as per your suggestion. Please let me know if the second post is clear enough.
Nov 16, 2021 08:15 AM
Currently, when a student makes a comment on his/her submission, the teacher will receive a message for that comment via a daily/weekly digest email.However, in the teacher's mailbox, only the mes...
Nov 15, 2021 21:21 PM

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