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Oct 2, 2015 10:26:45 AM
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Why are answers to matching questions randomized? I want the answers to always be in the same order. I entered answers labeled A through L, but they show up the drop-down list in various orders. That ...
Hi, I have been searching everywhere on this site for an explanation of what the "Excused" designation does to a grade. Your post seemed the likeliest place to find an explanation, but when I ...
Update: Another instructor at my college is having the same problem. He got a temporary fix from a Canvas tech named Veronica: Delete "/preview" from the html text. That works. I guess that id...
Thanks for the input. It sounds as if I need to be sure that when I copy a course that already uses New Quizzes, I still need to check the "Import existing quizzes as New Quizzes" option? It s...
No, it doesn't work with essay questions if "it truncates the student responses (essay questions) and replaces several responses with symbols." It does the same for me. Are we not allowed ...
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Somehow, a few students' discussion-board posts are showing up in the "Comments" field of the students to whom they are replying rather than on the board where everyone can read them. I di...
Thank you so much! The 23-steps in the fix make me want to cry.... The fact that "This bug was first reported in February, 2024" and that it "will be fixed in early 2025" is just appal...
Thanks for the input. It sounds as if I need to be sure that when I copy a course that already uses New Quizzes, I still need to check the "Import existing quizzes as New Quizzes" option? It s...
I thought the question was -- or my question is, anyway -- how to add other icons below the course image. I see shortcut icons to announcements, assignments, discussions, and files but not the gradebo...
I have 70+ images in 30+ quizzes that were created years ago as Classic Quizzes with Question Banks, and I spent all this past summer converting them to New Quizzes and Item Banks. I imported ...
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