Jodi Wilson
Community Explorer
Jan 7, 2022 11:30:48 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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Thanks @Ron_Bowman! I really appreciate you looking at this and correcting my understanding of how "let students see their quiz responses" works.
Thanks! So is there any way to achieve my goal of having the gradebook accurately reflect their participation points (based on timely completion and a score of X or better) rather than their quiz sco...
I have students complete short open-book quizzes each week. They either earn full points (2 points) or no points as part of a homework grade. To earn full points, they must get a certain number corr...
I use several low-point value "knowledge reviews." I want students to be able to attempt each quiz/review 3 times. My goal is to give students guidance on wrong answers so they can try again ...
A printable seating chart would be great. The "Attendance" seating chart isn't very useful because it can't be printed. Also, the photos are tiny, so they aren't very helpful. A...
Most Recent Posts
Thanks! So is there any way to achieve my goal of having the gradebook accurately reflect their participation points (based on timely completion and a score of X or better) rather than their quiz sco...
I have students complete short open-book quizzes each week. They either earn full points (2 points) or no points as part of a homework grade. To earn full points, they must get a certain number corr...
Thanks @Ron_Bowman! I really appreciate you looking at this and correcting my understanding of how "let students see their quiz responses" works.
I use several low-point value "knowledge reviews." I want students to be able to attempt each quiz/review 3 times. My goal is to give students guidance on wrong answers so they can try again ...
A printable seating chart would be great. The "Attendance" seating chart isn't very useful because it can't be printed. Also, the photos are tiny, so they aren't very helpful. A...
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