
Ben Friedman
Instructure Alumni
Product Manager: Canvas Outcomes
Jun 9, 2021 8:51:12 AM
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I am Product Manager for the Canvas Outcomes team. In addition to product roles, I've been a K-12 teacher, higher ed instructor, and an education researcher. I love working in Edtech to build and improve products that make the learning experience better for students and teachers.

Most Liked Posts

Hey, Canvas Outcomes fans! I’m excited to share information on a forthcoming release we’re calling “Improved Outcome Management.” As the keystones of education, outcomes (aka standards, learning targe...
Likes: 9
  Recently, I’ve heard from a few Canvas users that they’d like to learn more about how Outcomes works with New Quizzes. This has gotten extra attention lately with the eventual sunsetting of Classic...
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  In Canvas, outcomes represent the knowledge and skills we want students to master within a course context. The system takes time to set up but is incredibly valuable because it allows educators to ...
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Hi @haliehagerty1 - I'm excited to announce that we've started development to connect New Quiz data with outcome alignments to the Learning Mastery Gradebook and Outcomes reporting (e.g. ....
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Quiz Outcome alignments provide important opportunities for assessing student mastery on important standards or competencies within a Canvas LMS course. They offer teachers and instructors a data-driv...
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Most Recent Posts

  In a previous blog, I detailed the 3 types of outcome alignments available in New Quizzes and some use cases for each. I also shared that our Outcomes development team is working on sending New Qui...
Sep 02, 2022 08:03 AM
@110773282624449 & @ShannonBerry - we are currently in development and making progress everyday! I will be sure to add updates in the comments to this blog post and stay tuned to Canvas re...
Jul 27, 2022 08:00 AM
  In Canvas, outcomes represent the knowledge and skills we want students to master within a course context. The system takes time to set up but is incredibly valuable because it allows educators to ...
Jul 25, 2022 08:47 AM
Hi @danaleeling - the permissions impacted by Improved Outcome Management are now listed in the feature overview. If permissions are enabled for the "Learning Outcomes - add / edit / delete,&#...
Jul 19, 2022 11:06 AM
  The Canvas Outcomes team is looking to update and improve the Learning Mastery Gradebook (LMGB) and we'd love your input on how to do that! We are looking to engage in some user interviews over...
Jul 12, 2022 07:58 AM

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