
Mike Marafino
Community Explorer
Jun 9, 2021 7:38:29 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Seems that there hasn't been a solution yet so I'll jump on the bandwagon. Faculty I work with have found this incredibly frustrating. It doesn't seem like this is going to be addressed, s...
Likes: 3
Thank you for this workaround, but it does not solve the issue. Many LMS competitors grant instructors the ability to delete an individual submission and/or grant additional attempts on an individual ...
Likes: 3
Problem statement: My institution is exploring the Zoom/Canvas Studio integration via a Zoom OAuth App. Instructions here: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Studio-Guide/How-do-I-configure-my-...
Likes: 0
Problem statement: I've noticed that when a user is granted Canvas LMS Admin permission, they are also granted Admin permissions in Studio. This makes sense. However, when you revoke Canvas LMS Ad...
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Here is another forum discussing a similar issue, which was initiated in 2020. Either one of these developments would be a net positive; I either want to be able to be able to grant another attempt wi...
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Most Recent Posts

Problem statement: My institution is exploring the Zoom/Canvas Studio integration via a Zoom OAuth App. Instructions here: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Studio-Guide/How-do-I-configure-my-...
Dec 04, 2024 11:05 AM
Problem statement: I've noticed that when a user is granted Canvas LMS Admin permission, they are also granted Admin permissions in Studio. This makes sense. However, when you revoke Canvas LMS Ad...
May 16, 2024 09:19 AM
Here is another forum discussing a similar issue, which was initiated in 2020. Either one of these developments would be a net positive; I either want to be able to be able to grant another attempt wi...
Oct 18, 2022 07:08 AM
Here is another forum discussing a similar issue, which was initiated in 2016. Either one of these developments would be a net positive; I either want to be able to be able to grant another attempt wi...
Oct 18, 2022 07:07 AM
Please consider adding this feature; as midterms come around, more and more faculty are becoming frustrated with this lack of functionality.
Oct 14, 2022 10:39 AM

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