
Jill Bond
Community Novice
Jan 9, 2017 10:48:47 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Hi, Fellow IDs:I work with a lot of faculty at the program and course level in a higher ed institution.At the course level, I prefer to collaborate with faculty, overcome barriers, agree upon a course...
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Thanks for this! Has anyone experimented with any workarounds?Jill
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Hi:I am an instructional designer helping with our school's transition from using Turnitin (TII) as an API to LTI setting in Canvas. I am unclear how group assignment settings in Canvas are affect...
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Hi, Dallas! Do you have plans at your institution to transition to the new Plagiarism Framework? If so, will you be updating this wonderful blog? Thanks. Jill
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Yes, all content to be read or any other activities, is to be included in each Module, by week, in a content page labelled Week X - Required Learning Resources & Activities. Here is a sample Modul...
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Most Recent Posts

Thanks, Dallas! We are going to move forward with the PF with TII for fall. We will still keep LTI and Legacy API at the account level in conjunction with the PFw/TII. Will keep the community posted. 
Jun 28, 2018 16:37 PM
Hi, Dallas! Do you have plans at your institution to transition to the new Plagiarism Framework? If so, will you be updating this wonderful blog? Thanks. Jill
Jun 28, 2018 11:02 AM
Hi: I totally felt your pain when we actively used the LTI at our institution in 2016-2017 and complained to our TII rep often. However, this year we are running both the LTI and the legacy API behind...
Apr 02, 2018 11:45 AM
Yes, all content to be read or any other activities, is to be included in each Module, by week, in a content page labelled Week X - Required Learning Resources & Activities. Here is a sample Modul...
Jan 10, 2018 10:57 AM
Wow. A lot of thought has gone into this wonderful resource you have created. At our institution, in our department, we are also exploring ways to express this to faculty audiences and you have really...
Jan 09, 2018 15:45 PM

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