Empower Users to Determine Their Next Learning Steps

Community Contributor

I recently reconfigured what was initially a PLC reflection rubric that I utilized with history teachers (in a previous life) into a Canvas Usage Reflection rubric.

The idea was to blend the core attributes of blended learning (student control and choice) with the 4 Cs (critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication) in one rubric that could serve as a reference for Canvas users, regardless of their 'level' of usage.

Once the basics were laid out, I attempted to add hyperlinks where there were beneficial, at least in my opinion.

Please feel free to download and adapt for your purposes and please share what strategies and/or resources you've utilized to empower Canvas users to own and drive their own 'next steps'. Thank you!

Community Champion

It's early days for us using Canvas Stephen. I hope you don't mind if I share this with my fellow Blended Learning Leaders. I like the way you have thought this through.

Community Participant

Thanks for sharing this!  

Community Team
Community Team

This is such a great resource. ssimpso4 Nice Work!

The 4Cs are such a foundational concept for many K12 schools, and to see how it can be applied within Canvas is valuable. Most of the time, my building focuses on the pedagogical aspects of the 4Cs, and leaves Canvas "out there" for teachers to explore as a separate entity. I love how the rubric makes it easy to understand the different levels that the 4Cs can be seen in Canvas's features/activities (and other technology)...and it makes it something that can be adopted with traditional 4Cs conversations. Additionally, the rubric makes it clear for instructors to understand their own professional growth. Like our own students, it's always helpful to have goals to be held accountable for our learning.

Community Novice

Wow. A lot of thought has gone into this wonderful resource you have created. At our institution, in our department, we are also exploring ways to express this to faculty audiences and you have really made it come together. Thanks for sharing and I hope you will consider also sharing your experience developing this at a conference for IDs soon. Or an article. Or both.