
Steven S
Community Champion
Associate History Professor - South Louisiana Comm. College
Jul 3, 2015 5:08:55 PM
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I have taught myself how to use canvas to turn my F2F history courses into QM compliant online and hybrid courses. However, I am constantly trying to make my courses easier for my students to use, and using this site to learn new tricks to work around problems that cause students to struggle.

Most Liked Posts

This idea is to add the ability to download each student's responses to essay questions on a quiz formatted the same way we already bulk download all assignment submissions.    In online courses, ...
Likes: 42
These are all good priorities.  Still serving as a roadblock, however, for new quizzes with essay questions, are: New-Quizzes-Grading-Indication  and New-Quizzes-respect-hide-grades and New-Quizzes-sh...
Likes: 9
Unfortunately that does not yet seem to be a part of New Quizzes, but there is an idea conversation open where you can share your interest in having this feature added: https://community.canvaslms.com...
Likes: 8
We have definitely not adopted another platform for communication.  How annoying would it be to have to go elsewhere for announcements!  The whole point of an LMS is to have all the course content and...
Likes: 7
There are several added flexibilities I would like to see added to the late penalty policy, as a correction to the apparent unfairness described by Timothy Lim, "The automatic late submission pen...
Likes: 7

Most Recent Posts

Problem statement: When a design update is required throughout a course due to a change in policy, it is necessary to find every single instance of the policy reference, and the frequency of missing a...
Feb 01, 2025 10:48 AM
Problem statement: When adjusting announcement release dates, instructors must first open the announcement for viewing and then open it for editing. Proposed solution: Add a pop-up window for the rel...
Jan 26, 2025 11:23 AM
Problem statement: New quizzes has an instruction box that displays to students before they open the quiz, and it also has many settings used by the instructor to control the functions of the quiz (sh...
Jan 26, 2025 10:57 AM
Problem statement: Without assignment enhancements turned reaching a peer review assignment (in a course that hides the assignment tab and locates all student activities on the modules tab) is achieve...
Jan 20, 2025 12:00 PM
Problem statement: External tools integrated with canvas provide scores based on the tool's assessment of the student. For writing assignments that may be only an autograded participation score. T...
Aug 29, 2024 07:47 AM

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