
Bill Gibson
Community Champion
Apr 25, 2015 7:25:57 AM
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Born at Camp Lejeune Naval Hospital and grew up on the Coast of North Carolina during the 1960s. Graduated Swansboro High School ('72). Attended UNC-Chapel Hill ('72-74), Campbell College ('75), UNC-W ('76 G), Southern Seminary ('81-83), Coastal Carolina Community College ('91-93 MST); Have worked in the IT department of a small university in Fayetteville, NC since 1995.

Most Liked Posts

I would like to be able to list courses by their "SIS ID".  This is something that our faculty cannot change.  They can change the course "Name" and that can lead to a useless, confuse...
Likes: 28
I had been looking at the Bootstrap training materials Bootstrap Grid Basic​ at w3schools.com but then went out and found several online sites that offer a "drag-n-drop" Bootstrap page/site bu...
Likes: 16
This is what I had come across, regarding FERPA, in May 2015:“…Please only use the cross-listing feature for courses that meet together. Combining courses that do not meet together in person is a viol...
Likes: 15
It is a discriminatory practice to only show the first 50 courses on this page, and then make you "use the finder" for the rest.  PSYChology & ZOOLogy are tired of being slighted.How about...
Likes: 10
Wouldn't the problem with FERPA be, that students in different sections, but combined in a cross listed site, would have access to Personally Identifiable Information that they wouldn't have n...
Likes: 9

Most Recent Posts

I've had it explained to me that Canvas keeps track of files and doesn't actually make a 2nd or 3rd copy of that same file to place in other courses, so in essence there is only one file that ...
Feb 09, 2018 13:51 PM
Just ran my first complete test on our Canvas Test Site. A little over 2700 students in the list. It took almost 14 minutes to complete, and generated a log file of 10.5 MB. I'm not sure how much ...
Feb 08, 2018 15:46 PM
This PowerShell script will pull user info from a CSV file and create a Canvas Conversation for each, with the unique Survey URL for each.  **I'm not a programmer, and there is no guarantee with t...
Dec 23, 2017 09:20 AM
Bb Export zipped files, but I think the script allowed for choosing the archive type.
Dec 22, 2017 15:59 PM
For the Image Slider Maker, you just add your images and make the various selections.  Then download the zipped file.  When you go to Upload the zipped file, choose to have Canvas Unpack it for you an...
Dec 21, 2017 19:31 PM

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