Melanie Kroening
Community Champion
Sr Course Development and Training Specialist
Apr 1, 2015 2:09:24 PM
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Melanie Kroening has been working within Ecampus at OSU since 2013, first as an Instructional Designer and most recently as a Course Development and Training Specialist. In this this position she works one-on-one with faculty to offer training, support, and innovation with new technologies for existing online courses. She has over 20 years of instructional design and technology experience in higher education.
Most Liked Posts
I have browsed around a bit and am thinking i am missing this so feel free to close this down if it's a duplicate but in working with our large enrollment computer science classes I've noticed...
This idea is completed and has been deployed to CanvasFor more information, please read through the Canvas Deploy Notes (2020-01-15).This idea has already been entered and just went into cold storage ...
The guides are helpful as is the comparison document, I use this often and is my main source of reference. So for me, the features is the key aspect of what would make our transition smoother. So my...
This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas
Please feel free to turn this feature idea off if it's been addressed (or on it's way?) but I am not initially seeing it. With the new Ri...
This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas Similar to https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/9060-add-inactive-label-on-moderate-quiz-page" modifiedtitle="true" title="...
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Thanks for mentioning this, some clarity in the deploys would be nice, I read through and did testing for the group copy functionality with no luck as the tiny footnote at the bottom in the Change Log...
Thanks @kailey I love that revision(!), you can still just click on the dot but it's easier to toggle between read/unread and is more intuitive with the text link.
Hi @SamGarza1,
Can you clarify the 1-click change to mark responses as read/unread?
As of today (the 9th), I can click the button to the left of each reply to mark it as read, which works well, b...
Yes, @venitk, thanks for highlighting this. Until we started using the Discussions for all courses I didn't notice the discrepancy in my testing. Ideally the default size for the initial res...
Re: Discussion Redesign student settings for the course should be included in course settings import
Yes please! I hadn't yet tested if the settings copy over, but it would be inconsistent if only some of the student settings copy over and not others. Having it be consistent under the course Se...
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